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Présentation: Seconde présentation sur GGTV du fabuleux fulm Barbarella mettant en vedette Jane Fonda et produit en 1968, cette fois, en version Flash permettant l'écoute en mode réel. Barbarella est le film -école de Jane Fonda qui peut sembler bien simplement conçu au premier coup d'oeil mais qui, avec les années, a été confirmé comme une oeuvre d'art non pas pour son scénario mais pour son côté artistique, sa créativité et les nombreux artistes et artisans à l'origine de l'oeuvre dans sa globalité.

C'est comme si Léonard de vinci avait tourné un film selon ses goûts artistiques, il s'agirait d'une oeuvre unique et méritant d'être classés comme patrimoine de l'humanité par l'UNESCO.

Cette version commerciale de Barbarella, produite par la Paramount, est presque parfaite.La pochette du DVD n'est pas à la hauteur du film, côté qualité de l'image et de l'infographie. Une photo aurait été plus appropriée alors que l'affiche non corrigée donne une impression de qualité moindre. ela ne change en rien le film, heureusement. Quant au film lui-même, sauf pour quelques bugs visuels résultant de la remasterisation, il es parfait. Les couleurs sont si belles que mëme e l'original n'a jamais été aussi spectaculaire. À posséder absolument. 10/10

(D'après Wikipedia)

Barbarella est un film franco-italien réalisé par Roger Vadim, sorti en 1968. Il adapte la bande dessinée Barbarella de Jean-Claude Forest.
* 1 Synopsis
* 2 Fiche technique
* 3 Distribution
* 4 Autour du film
* 5 Bande originale
* 6 Distinctions
* 7 Voir aussi
* 8 Liens externes
Synopsis [modifier]
En l'an 40 000, le monde vit maintenant dans une ère peace and love où les armes sont devenues obsolètes et où les gens font l'amour en absorbant des pilules. L'aventurière Barbarella est envoyée en mission par le président de la Terre pour tenter de retrouver le savant Durand Durand, inventeur d'une arme destructrice, le Positron. L'homme a disparu aux environs de la planète Lithion, il y a déjà quelques années. Après le crash de son vaisseau spatial sur cette planète, Barbarella est attaquée par des poupées tueuses menées par deux petites filles méchantes et cruelles. Stomoxys et Glossina se trouvent être également les nièces de la Reine noire de Sogo, la ville du mal.
Barbarella est sauvée par Mark Hand, une sorte de chasseur qui a décidé de vivre loin de la ville et de ses péchés. Comme récompense, il obtient d'elle de lui faire l'amour de façon primitive, en ne faisant pas appel aux pilules.
Suite à un nouveau crash, l'aventurière fait connaissance avec les esclaves prisonniers de Sogo. Elle est ensuite conduite dans le repaire de la Reine, grâce à l'aide d'un ange aveugle, Pygar, qui a réappris à voler après avoir fait l'amour avec elle. À Sogo, ville où un nouveau péché est inventé à chaque heure, elle retrouve Durand Durand, devenu le Concierge de la Reine et qui s'apprête à conquérir le monde grâce à un appareil maléfique de son invention. Pour sa part, la Reine noire est une reine lesbienne qui se complaît dans le mal. Elle laisse Barbarella entre les mains de Durand Durand qui l'installe dans une machine censée la faire mourir d'un plaisir orgasmique. Elle s'en tire sans trop de dommages au grand dépit du savant fou.
Les esclaves de Sogo finissent par se révolter mais Durand Durand se sert de son Positron pour les mater. Barbarella parvient finalement à convaincre la Reine de se joindre à elle pour le combattre. Durand Durand meurt dans le magma qui entourait la cité et qui finit par tout engloutir. Barbarella et la Reine parviennent à s'enfuir grâce à l'ange Pygar.
Fiche technique [modifier]
* Titre : Barbarella
* Autres titre : Barbarella: Queen of the Galaxy
* Réalisation : Roger Vadim
* Scénario : Terry Southern et Roger Vadim, d'après la bande dessinée de Jean-Claude Forest et Claude Brulé
* Production : Dino De Laurentiis
* Sociétés de production : Dino de Laurentiis Cinematografica et Marianne Productions
* Budget : 9 millions de dollars (6,60 millions d'euros)
* Musique : Michel Magne et James Campbell
* Photographie : Claude Renoir
* Montage : Victoria Mercanton
* Décors : Mario Garbuglia
* Costumes : Jacques Fonteray et Paco Rabanne
* Budget : $9 000 000 (estimation)
* Genre : science-fiction
* Pays d'origine : France France et Italie Italie
* Durée : 98 minutes
* Format : Couleurs - 2,35:1 - Mono - 35 mm
* Dates de sortie : 10 octobre 1968 (États-Unis), 25 octobre 1968 (France)
Distribution [modifier]
* Jane Fonda (VF : Jane Fonda) : Barbarella
* John Phillip Law (VF : Bernard Tiphaine) : l'Ange
* Anita Pallenberg : la Reine noire
* Milo O'Shea (VF : Jean Richard) : le savant fou Durand Durand
* Marcel Marceau (VF : Marcel Marceau) : professeur Ping
* Claude Dauphin (VF : Claude Dauphin) : le président de la Terre
* Serge Marquand : capitaine Sun
* David Hemmings (VF : Jean-Louis Trintignant) : Dildano
* Ugo Tognazzi (VF : Robert Hossein) : Mark Hand
* Véronique Vendell: capitaine Moon
Autour du film [modifier]
* Le tournage s'est déroulé à Rome.
* Le nom Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch est utilisé comme mot de passe dans le film. Il ne s'agit pas d'un terme inventé mais du nom d'un petit village du Pays de Galles.
* Un remake dirigé par Robert Rodriguez est prévu pour 2008.
* Sogo, la ville où Barbarella est faite prisonnière, est une référence à Sodome et à Gomorrhe dont elle a emprunté les deux premières syllabes.
* Le futur guitariste de Pink Floyd, David Gilmour, est l'un des musiciens qui interprètent la musique du film.
* La scène d'ouverture où Barbarella semble flotter dans son vaisseau spatial a été filmé alors que Jane Fonda était installée sur un énorme morceau de plexiglas avec une image de vaisseau spatial en dessous d'elle. Elle a été filmée d'en haut en donnant l'impression qu'elle est en apesanteur.
* Les noms des nièces de la reine noire, Stomaxys et Glossina, sont les noms de deux espèces de mouches. Glossina est un autre nom pour désigner la mouche tsé-tsé.
* Duran Duran, le nom du scientifique recherché, a inspiré le nom d'un groupe pop qui a eu ses heures de gloire durant les années 1980.
* Le costume de Barbarella est une œuvre du designer Paco Rabanne.
* Affiche de Robert McGinnis.
Bande originale [modifier]
* Barbarella, interprété par Bob Crewe et Charles Fox
* Drag Me Down, interprété par Bob Crewe et Charles Fox
* Love Theme from 'Barbarella', interprété par Bob Crewe et Charles Fox
* An Angel is Love, interprété par Bob Crewe et Charles Fox
Distinctions [modifier]
* Nomination au Laurel d'or de la meilleure actrice pour Jane Fonda, lors des Laurel Awards en 1970.

Barbarella is a 1968 erotic science fiction film directed by Roger Vadim and based on the French Barbarella comics from Jean-Claude Forest.
* 1 Plot
* 2 Style
* 3 Cast
* 4 Reception and influence
* 5 Music
o 5.1 Soundtrack
* 6 Influence
o 6.1 1980s
o 6.2 1990s
o 6.3 Duran Duran
* 7 Special effects
* 8 Remake
* 9 See also
* 10 References
* 11 External links
[edit] Plot
Set in the 40th century, Barbarella follows the adventures of its title character played by Jane Fonda. In the film, Barbarella is assigned by the President of Earth to retrieve Doctor Durand-Durand from the planet SoGo in order to save the earth. Beyond this premise, the plot is very loose, serving mostly as an excuse for Barbarella to end up in erotic situations. On her quest to find Durand Durand, Barbarella is seduced by a human resident of SoGo, who introduces her to penetrative intercourse (civilized people of Barbarella's society find sexual release through pharmaceuticals), seduces an angel named Pygar, and overloads a torture device (called the Excessive Machine) which kills through sexual pleasure.
[edit] Style
Fonda as Barbarella in the "Ex-sex-sive Machine"
Barbarella is famous for a sequence in which the title character, played by Jane Fonda, undresses in zero gravity during the opening credits.
The whole film is played in a tongue-in-cheek manner; especially when it comes to the frequent (but not explicit) sex scenes. The most controversial of those scenes involves Barbarella being tortured by the use of an organ-like instrument that delivers sexual pleasure in doses that can be lethal, although Barbarella survives the ordeal and is visibly disappointed when it is discovered she has overloaded the machine.
The film was simultaneously shot in French and English. Some characters' lines were performed by the same actors in both languages; others were not:
* In the French version, Fonda performs her own lines in French.
* Marcel Marceau's lines are dubbed into English.
De Laurentiis returned to camp science fiction (but with far less erotica) with the 1980 cult classic Flash Gordon.
[edit] Cast
* Jane Fonda as Barbarella
* John Phillip Law as Pygar, the angel
* Anita Pallenberg as The Great Tyrant, Black Queen of Sogo (voiced dubbed by Joan Greenwood)
* Milo O'Shea as Doctor Durand-Durand
* Marcel Marceau as Professor Ping
* David Hemmings as Dildano
* Claude Dauphin as President Dianthus of Earth
* Ugo Tognazzi as Mark Hand
[edit] Reception and influence
The film was both a box office and critical failure on its release. Variety's review stated that "Despite a certain amount of production dash and polish and a few silly-funny lines of dialogue, Barbarella isn't very much of a film. Based on what has been called an adult comic strip, the Dino De Laurentiis production is flawed with a cast that is not particularly adept at comedy, a flat script, and direction which can't get this beached whale afloat."[1] Another major critic[who?] at the time claimed the film was a "mix of poor special effects and the Marquis de Sade."[citation needed]However, it has gained a cult following since its re-release in 1977 on home video, and has had considerable influence on pop and film culture in the decades following its original release.[citation needed] Jane Fonda has subsequently lamented the fact that she turned down starring roles in two major hit films, Bonnie and Clyde and Rosemary's Baby to stay in France and star in Barbarella, which was being directed by her then husband Roger Vadim.[citation needed]
[edit] Music
[edit] Soundtrack
The film's score was also popular and obtained a cult following. The music was composed by Bob Crewe and Charles Fox. During his first European tour in 1967, Frank Zappa flew from Copenhagen to Italy to meet Vadim and Fonda in order to discuss the possibility of him composing the music for the film. It never happened, but Frank Zappa remained faithful to his love for sci-fi, and composed several tributes to the genre.
[edit] Influence
Lists of miscellaneous information should be avoided. Please relocate any relevant information into appropriate sections or articles. (July 2009)
In the world of comics, the manga artists collectively known as CLAMP parodied Barbarella in one chapter of their Miyuki-chan in Wonderland, the chapter titled TV no Kuni no Miyuki-chan (Miyuki-chan in TV Land) shows several of the characters (including some female versions) trying to seduce the main character. The manga contains heavy lesbian overtones.[citation needed]
In 2008, the indie pop singer Lights made a Barbarella-themed music video for her song "Drive My Soul".[citation needed]
From 1988 to 2002, a nightclub in downtown Orlando, Florida was called Barbarella, inspired by the film. Although the club is still open, it has changed its name to Independent Bar.[citation needed]
In the first episode of the anime F3: Frantic, Frustrated & Female, Hiroe finds herself strapped to a chair by a mad scientist in order to test out a sex machine, parodying Barbarella's situation with Durand Durand.[citation needed]
[edit] 1980s
* Duran Duran, one of the most influential British music bands of the 1980s, took their name from Barbarella character Durand Durand. They have frequently referenced the movie and character (see below).[citation needed]
* When the 1980s girl group Fuzzbox could not get permission to use the Thunderbirds for the music video for their single International Rescue, they spoofed Barbarella, with the video's director Adrian Edmondson playing the Durand Durand character. They also featured their faithful cover version of the theme song on the single's B-side.[citation needed]
* The American pop band The Bongos recorded a song called "Barbarella" on their RCA EP "Numbers With Wings". It became a college radio favorite and dancefloor hit in 1983.[citation needed]
[edit] 1990s
Another famous singer to use the iconography of Barbarella in a pop video was Kylie Minogue who recreated the infamous zero-gravity strip-tease in her award winning 1994 video for "Put Yourself in My Place". It was again recreated in the European video for Jem's 2005 single "They".[citation needed]
In 1998, front man Scott Weiland of the bands Stone Temple Pilots and Velvet Revolver released a solo album entitled 12 Bar Blues. The hit song from that album which spawned a music video was titled "Barbarella". The lyrics of the song pay homage to several science fiction television shows and movies.[citation needed]
The band Matmos takes its name from the underground fluid creature in the film.[citation needed]
The Finnish rock band The 69 Eyes also recorded a song called "Barbarella" released in Bump 'n' Grind album in 1992. The song's intro starts with Barbarella speaking; that was taken from the original movie.[citation needed]
[edit] Duran Duran
The band Duran Duran takes its name from the mad scientist Dr. Durand Durand. O'Shea repaid the compliment by appearing (as an older version of Durand Durand) in Arena, the band's 1985 concert film. (Though the Arena DVD subtitles spell the villain's name as "Duran Duran".)
Some of the band's early appearances were at a nightclub called Barbarella's, in their home town of Birmingham, England. The band has continually used sound clips from the film in their songs, most notably 1989's "Burning the Ground" and the remixes for 1990's "Violence of Summer (Love's Taking Over)". The band continued the homage to its roots with their 1997 US single, "Electric Barbarella" (released in the UK in 1998).
Stephen Duffy, an original member of Duran Duran, released a solo song titled "Barbarellas" on his 1998 I Love My Friends album.
[edit] Special effects
The psychedelic "blob" patterns that form much of the special effects in the film are created using an oil wheel projector, a popular visual effects device also used in many other '60s movies, as well as in many anti-drug educational films.
[edit] Remake
A remake of Barbarella is planned. It will be penned by current James Bond writers Neal Purvis and Robert Wade, and produced by Dino and Martha De Laurentiis.[2] It was recently announced that Sin City director Robert Rodriguez is slated to direct the remake for Universal Studios.[2] The remake of Barbarella was originally planned in the 1990s with Roger Vadim as director, and actresses Sherilyn Fenn and Drew Barrymore were considered for the title role.[3] As of May 2007, it was announced that actress Erica Durance of the WB's Smallville was a front-runner for a 2008 remake. However, subsequent reports have identified British actress Sienna Miller as the favorite to take the role, along with Rodriguez's Grindhouse star Rose McGowan. According to Elle magazine, McGowan has been cast in the title role.[4]
According to the New York Observer, Universal Studios has backed out of funding the movie because of Rodriguez's insistence to cast McGowan in the title role. Executives reportedly do not think that she can carry a movie with a budget close to $100 million. Once Universal learned of Rodriguez's decision to cast McGowan they slashed the budget significantly. Rodriguez denies this, saying, "Universal had initially signed on for $60 million, but then when we were done with the script it wound up at closer to $82 million." The filmmaker is currently shopping the project around to other studios in the hopes of getting more money. He has cited the fact that most of the movie takes place in outer space as the reason for the rise in budget, and that "we don’t want the movie to look like the original."[5]
Rodriguez backed out of the project, and in June 2009, Entertainment Weekly reported that Robert Luketic will be directing the remake with a different studio. Screenwriter Joe Gazzam has been hired to write an entirely new draft -- taking the film in a different direction. [6]

Informations techniques sur le document

•Création: 7 novembre 2009 •Classement: G •Durée totale: 98 minutes
•Creation: November 7 2009 •Rating: G •Total duration: 98 minutes
•Production: Paramount •Droits d'auteur/Copyrights: Paramount/GGTV •Contact/Comments

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