World National
©World National / Roger-Luc Chayer

Tammy Faye Speaks at Gay Pride Fest

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - Tammy Faye Messner says she has lots in common with gays and lesbians - she, too, knows what it feels like to be ostracized.

``Like you, I've suffered,'' said Messner, the keynote speaker at Tampa's annual PrideFest party. ``We've all been misunderstood. We've all been made fun of. But I'm not going to allow people who don't like me to rent space in my brain.''

Messner, who with then-husband Jim Bakker ran the Praise the Lord television ministry in the mid-1980s, supported homosexuals at a time when the rest of America was fearful of AIDS (news - web sites).

At Friday night's gathering in Tampa, Messner delivered a rousing speech based on her faith that ``God loves you just the way you are.''

She led the crowd in a chorus of ``Jesus Loves Me'' and compared her own tribulations after the scandalous downfall of the ministry to those experienced by gays.

``I've been called everything by the media but a Christian,'' she said. ``Yet I think God loves unique people.''

The crowd was responsive. Lloyd Richardson, 28, of Tallahassee, echoed a typical sentiment when he said he was astounded by Messner's commitment to the gay community.

``I mean, she's Jim Bakker's ex-wife,'' Richardson said. ``But God bless her. We need more like her.''