World National
©World National / Roger-Luc Chayer

Syphilis cases rise in United Kingdom

SUMMARY: Manchester, north London and Brighton have been singled out as the hotspots for syphilis among gay and bisexual men, according to health authorities.

Manchester, north London and Brighton have been singled out as the hotspots for syphilis among gay and bisexual men, according to health authorities.

Manchester has had the highest number of gay syphilis cases with 160 in a year. Three-quarters were in their 20s and 30s and less likely to practice safe sex and more likely to have multiple partners. Health specialists also said alcohol and drug abuse played a part.

Health officials in Brighton and Hove have also reported a 600 percent increase in the disease, mostly affecting gay men.

Manchester has launched a syphilis awareness campaign about the disease. If it is left untreated, it attacks the brain and can kill. It is called a silent disease because there are few early symptoms.

"Further research is needed into why people seem not to be heeding safer sex advice, particularly in relation to unprotected anal sex," said the health authority report.

"Reasons could include boredom with the messages, people feeling (inaccurately) that HIV (news - web sites) is curable, or a new generation having grown up without experience of AIDS (news - web sites)."