World National
©World National / Roger-Luc Chayer Explores ``Adventures in the World of Entertainment from an Openly Gay Perspective''

Print, Radio & Television Versions Slated for Worldwide Syndication

HOLLYWOOD, Calif.--(ENTERTAINMENT WIRE)--July 19, 2001-- When the Fox News Channel needed an entertainment industry insider to appear on ``The Edge With Paula Zahn'' to comment on Steven Spielberg's withdrawal of support from the Boy Scouts of America, Fox News called upon, as their anchor stated, ``one of Hollywood's leading gay entertainment activists.''

Today, that sought after pundit, Nicholas Snow, who has been openly gay in the public eye for over 15 years, launches features an almost-daily column that chronicles real-life adventures exploring Hollywood, the entertainment industry, and the world at large from an openly gay perspective. A weekly print version of the column goes into syndication worldwide in late August 2001, and radio and television versions are in development. Snow expects the print column to syndicate quickly, as publications in specific markets will be able to secure geographic exclusives. Snow has also had preliminary conversations with the top brass at Pride Vision (the Canadian gay and lesbian cable network launching September 2001) and C1TV (a U.S.-based national cable television outlet) about program offerings.

While the editorial perspective is openly gay, offers a view of the entertainment industry for everyone, and targets an audience of all genders. In the ``Guest Stars'' editorial on the site, K. Pearson Brown, one of Hollywood's ``power lesbians,'' writes, ``So when Notes from Hollywood makes accessible to the world the gay side of the story in Tinseltown, it is likely that a significant percentage of the readership will be straight.'' Brown is Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director of POWER Up (

Although accessing the Web site is free for anyone with Internet access, the ``Hollywood Insiders'' section of generates revenue from individuals and businesses who wish to become part of ``The VIP Room,'' which is a regionally-focused, searchable database on the site. Paid subscribers get to decide just how far inside Hollywood they want to be: ``On The Studio Tour,'' ``In The Studio Audience,'' or ``On The Show.''

In creating, Snow enlisted his longtime friend and collaborator Matthew Skallerud, founder of and head of the new venture, Hyperion Interactive Media (H.I.M.) ( H.I.M. develops true business partnerships with quality sites that can be expanded into advertising, retailing and content partnerships as well.

Other offerings of include ``Paparazzi Prison,'' ``On Location,'' ``Ready For Their Close-Up,'' and ``Guest Gossip,'' which allows the viewer to post gossip or offer or seek employment. The current ``Paparazzi Prison'' features a party at The Playboy Mansion, and upcoming profiles include ``Queer as Folk'' star Peter Paige, and award-winning director Paris Barclay.

``Now Playing'' features video selections. In the current installment, Snow goes on national TV; inside some of Hollywood's closets; to celebrity-studded awards shows; and into a raucous San Francisco crowd that chants, ``Show us your butt!''

``Coming Attractions'' include the AIDS Project Los Angeles Summer Party at Universal Studios; DiverCite (Montreal's Gay and Lesbian Pride Celebration); Bad Boy's Pool Party (an AIDS fundraiser featuring gay porn stars); and red carpet coverage from Outfest, the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Film Festival.

For more information, visit, and for additional biographical information about the site's founder, visit